Hello Group 4!

Simple instructions for posting on the blog:

I will delete this post when it’s time to turn in the finished blog.

Posting is fairly simple, if you get stuck or whatever, send your stuff to me and I’ll post it for you. Or feel free to ask our other group members for a critique or editing help if you want. Also read the our discussion on WebCT regarding our blog.

1.  Logging in.  Click ‘log in’ on the right side (under “Meta”.)

2.  Enter the username and password, it is on our WebCT discussion board

3.  Now you’ll be at the “dashboard” where you can write new pages, write a post, comment, and manage the blog etc….

4.  Click on ‘write’ @ the top of the page to write a new post, page, or link.

5.  There’s a place to title it, post your jargon, enter tags (tags work as linking words to our page when people search for blog topics etc…).  Adding categories to our posts will add it to the list of topics on the side of the page for visitors to click, and see posts in the category/topic. Within the box that you are typing your jargon there is a button, farthest right one in the header bar, w/ tiny squares in it- this will drop down more options to use. Also the very right bottom corner of the box can be grabbed and pulled to make the box larger in order to see all of what your typing

6.  When you’re all done, click ’save’ (on the right) to save it for later or ‘publish’ to save it and post it on the page immediately. If you need to edit your post, make changes, add pictures, etc.  you can always go back and do that later, just save and publish it again to update the page.

7. click on “manage” @ top in order to access and update the blog (you can also click “edit” under each post when looking at the blog to edit that particular post).

8. Click on “design” to see different designs for the page. you can click on the samples in order to see the page in preview and the click the “x” on top left to go back. if you find one you really like please let everyone know so that we can eventually choose which one we want to use when we turn it in. (each design will add or delete different aspects of our work layout and accessibility however, so do keep this in mind when looking for the one you like)

9. Please add extra stuff that is relevent, like pictures, video, etc… (you can do the by choosing “Add media” and linking from the web or from an uploaded file- “import”)

Thanks and have fun,


Mixing medications? What you should know!

Polypharmacy refers to the use of multiple medications by a patient. Dangers of polypharmacy occur when patients experience unwanted duplication of drugs that often results when they go to multiple physicians or pharmacies for their medical/medication needs. Severe adverse drug effects can result in serious life-threatening situations.

Access Hollywood on Heath Ledger’s Death

Do you or someone you know feel like this?

Could this be you?

Could this be you?